Pennsylvania Hunter-Trapper Education Course Practice Exam 2024 - Free Hunter-Trapper Practice Questions and Study Guide

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What should be done with leftover parts after field dressing?

Leave them in the open for predators

Bury them away from water sources

While there may be many options to consider, the best option is to bury the leftover parts away from water sources. Leaving them in the open may attract predators to the area, which can be dangerous for both humans and wildlife. Disposing of the parts in residential trash can be seen as disrespectful to both the animal and to those living in the area. And leaving them near campsites can also attract animals and potentially create conflict between humans and wildlife. Burying them away from water sources helps to ensure that they are safely and respectfully disposed of, while also preventing any potential contamination of water sources.

Dispose of them in residential trash

Leave them near campsites to deter animals


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